YOU-The Light of the World

Matthew 5

Nowadays the world needs light. This light the Christians should be first illuminated. Therefore
Jesus said: << You are the light of the world >> (Mt 5:14 ) because he sends us light to illuminate.
<< A light of revelation for the gentiles >> (Lk 2:32 ) a definition that the old Simeon gave Jesus
when he took and raised him in his arms. Today Jesus, light to illuminate the people should be with
us; in our hearts and the way we live.

We will bring light to the world – hungry and thirsty. As Jesus said: << I am the light of the world,
he who follows me will not walk in the dark but will have the light of life >> (Jn 8:12). Indeed, it
is difficult and is contrasted, at times there are some who make a foolish figure to be a Christian.
St. Paul was stoned many times but he << made a considerable number of disciples >> ( Act 14:19
). It is hard to follow Christ the Lord today, but it is also a joy and hope. This opposition between
the empire of the dark and the empire of the light is not an invention, really Satan plays his part and
wants to suffocate the good and block the way of the light. But the dark will not prevail.

The Lord wants us to read our personal story as a gift of grace and a way, a commitment for
responding his call. He wants to liberate us the darkness that unfold ourselves, close in our egoism,
and take us away the joy. He wants us that we become the << children of the light >>. As St. Paul
says: << You were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord; behave as children of light, for
the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and uprightness and truth >> ( Ep 5:8 ).

<< The work of the one who sent me >> (Jn 9:4) are blocked today from confusions and doubts
that lift an uproar of today’s society either intellect or economic level and in the daily life. Usually
we hear these questions: << Why giving birth to a child in a world in this corrupt and sick society?
It is only wasting and useless >>; Why should I be faithful to my wife/husband? The heart cannot
be commanded >>; << Is sick and suffered much: with a fine dosage of injection all will be solve
and will no longer suffer >>. These are only some of the examples of man’s blindness in his rage
of wants to put himself before God and science is also manipulating to oppose against God’s will;
though science is a gift from God and should be use according to his will.

Lord the Father, wants us to revealed the tenderness of his heart in Jesus, so to spread his light
through us and transmit it to our poor brothers shattered with out hope, to our family and to those
we meet everyday. We are called to bear witness to this God who falls in love with man and give
life for man.

Try to think:
• Looking with the truth, which blindness can you still see in yourself?
• Jesus is light. Do you want to leave him to illuminate your way?
• Do you believe that the Light prevailed over darkness?
• Do you have an optimistic outlook of the Risen Christ?

27 January 2013

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