When You Answer The Call…

I’m sure we all have received calls that have changed our lives. There are the kind we hope we
never receive etc. or something tragic happening to someone we love. There are also the ones that
change our lives in a good way. Some of you may have met a person at a friend’s house or a party
and you thought, “I would really like to get to know that person better.” After exchanging phone
numbers, the person gives you a call and as one thing leads to another you become the best of
friends. Your life has been changed and you are grateful for it.

There are many episodes in the Holy Scripture on how God called his Prophets. One of my
favorites is the calling of Samuel. Samuel got a call in the middle of the night His life was changed
and so were the lives of all God’s people for hundreds of years thereafter, especially since Samuel is
the person who established the monarchy and anointed Israel’s first two kings. Martin Luther King
received a call to the ministry and that led to other calls to struggle in a non-violent way for justice
for all the people in USA. Andrew and another disciple heard John the Baptist point out Jesus and
they responded to Jesus’ call to “come and see.” The next day Peter received his brother Andrew’s
call to meet Jesus. Their call was not dramatic as dramatic as Samuel’s was.

It’s very, very seldom that God calls out our name in the middle of the night as he did with Samuel.
Usually he speaks to us through others, through a religious person like John the Baptist or even
through relative or friend. Sometimes he speaks through someone we don’t like. If we answer when
God speaks, our lives will never be the same. Maybe that’s why many people avoid quiet prayer.
They might hear God say something they don’t want to hear. They’re comfortable with their life the
way it is.

As I look back from my past, I couldn’t think that my life was radically changed when God called
me to follow him, to assimilate him closer. I hoped I could be like everyone else and get married
some day and have children. But << the way of God is not our way, his thoughts are not our
thoughts >>. God just kept calling to me without recognizing it until finally I gave in and said
to God: “<< speak Lord, for your servant is listening”>>. I’m glad I answered “yes.” Giving up
marriage is hard at times, but so is being married hard at times. Following Christ in especial form of
consecration professing the Evangelical Counsel, has been very fulfilling and nothing to fear of, as
Jesus said to Peter: << Don’t afraid, from now on you will become fisherman of men >>.

At times we think maybe God is saying something to us but we’re not sure. God calls everybody
and it’s up to us to answer him or not. It maybe a call for marriage, to be some big thing like going
into religious life, to be a missionary, or as simple as volunteering for some kind of service to others
or praying a little more. We think, “is this really what God wants?”. God does reach us through
others. We see that through the Scriptures, he touches us and speaks to us. His eternal call to us is to
holiness, which we attain to an ever-greater degree as we come to know him and love him.

Try to think:

1. Have you ever tried to ask yourself: is this really what God wants to me?
2. Am I ready to answer His call?
3. Do you find it hard to say “yes” to Him?
4. Parents, are you an obstacle for the vocation of your children?

11 February 2013

Little Boy’s Explanation of God

Little Boy’s Explanation of God – Fabulous ! ! !
Out of the mouths of the Babes –
I certainly don’t think an adult could explain this more beautiful


It was written by an 8- year old named Danny
Dutton, who lives in Chula Vista, CA. He wrote it
for his third grade homework assignment.
‘explain God. I wonder if any of us could have
done well?
(and he had such an assignment, in California, and some
published it, I guess miracles do happen!)


‘One of God’s main jobs is making people. He makes
them to replace the others that die, so there will be
enough people to take care of things on earth. He
doesn’t make grownups, just babies. I think
because they are smaller and easier to make. That
way he doesn’t have to take up his valuable time
teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave
that to mothers and fathers.’

‘God’s second most important job is listening to
prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some
people, like preachers and things, pray at times
beside bedtime. God doesn’t have time to listen to
the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears
everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in
his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off.’

‘God sees everything and hears everything and is
everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you
shouldn’t go wasting his time by going over your
mom and dad’s head for something they
said you couldn’t have.’
‘Atheists are people who don’t believe in God. I
don’t think there are any in Chula Vista. At least
there aren’t any who come to our church.’

‘Jesus is God’s Son. He used to do all the hard
work, like walking on water and performing
miracles and trying to teach the people who didn’t
want to learn about God. They finally got tired of
him preaching to them and they crucified him. But
he was good and kind, like his father, and he told
his father that they didn’t know what they were
doing and to forget them and God said O.K.’
‘His dad(God) appreciated everything that he had
done and all his hard work on earth so he told him

he didn’t have to go out on the road anymore. He
could stay in heaven. So he did. And now he helps
his dad out by listening to prayers and seeing
things which are important for God to take care of
and which ones he can take care of himself
without having to bother God. Like a secretary,
only more important.’

‘You can pray anytime you want and they are sure
to help you because they got it worked out so one
of them is only on duty all the time.’
‘You should always go to church on Sunday
because it makes God happy, it’s God!
Don’t skip church to do something you think will
be more fun like going to the beach This is wrong.
And besides the sun doesn’t come out at the beach
until noon anyway.’

If you don’t believe in God, besides being an
atheist, you will be very lonely, because your
parents can’t go everywhere with you, like to
camp, but God can. It is good to know he’s around
you when you’re scared, in the dark or when you
can’t swim and you get thrown into real deep
water by big kids.’
‘But…you shouldn’t just always think of what God
can do for you. I figure God put me here and he
can take me back anytime he pleases.
And…that’s why I believe in God.!

( have an awesome day, and know that someone has thought
about you ! )

Vision of our Life

The vision of our life in the light of Jesus died and risen is an optimistic vision of hope and become
a commitment, a response to the calling in giving himself/herself in joy and praise projecting
towards immortality, << nor death celebrate you; those who go down to the pit can hope no longer
in your constancy. The living, the living are the ones who praise you as I do today >> (Is 38:18-19).
As St. Paul says: << to God we are the fragrance of Christ ….>>; the smell of life leading to life >>
( 2 Cor 2:15-16 ).

How can we bring today hope and trust in life between terror and pessimism, between indifference
and egoism? A tramp confide to a volunteer: <<One time people if not always, gave money, gave a
smile and greeted you; but now they don’t care at all not even a smile nor greet you >>.
Following the Gospel, born compassion and good heartedness which is not goodsome. Walking
on this way and donating ourselves to others, we bear witness that to be human is not voted to
annihilation nor to desperation.

Today’s philosophy speak to us the death of God, of the faint thought which seems that the world is
overcome by nothing – an entropy, the end of all. But we are the revelation of God, visible sign of
his presence and realization of his project. It’s not enough to live << biologically >>, but we need to
discover the secret of life. Many are living in death and giving to death. A life unfold one’s self on
his/her own personal wants and put it in the center as an idol, makes one’s self “ fragrance of death
for him/her and for others and does not permit to discover the secret of life. << For these last, the
smell of death, leading to death >> (2 Cor 2:16 ). Jesus said: << I am the life >> and following him
we will enter to the secret of life and bear witness.

One thing that count is the way to discover life that pass across our choices, decisions, answers
but also through sufferings. Giving birth to life also means to suffer. On the way to discover the
secret of life, we have a privilege means though it’s not the only way: prayer as an encounter is
an immersion in God of life, whatever might be the status of soul in a moment of distraction and
fragility. It is a consolation of the heart that invoke the Holy Spirit.

It is common today and easy to lose the sense of life. The wants to live and wants to go down from
the train and put the journey to an end. Beyond any psychology and pharmacology aspects, the
serenity can be recovered accepting who we are, appraising the precious gift of life and the beauty
to donate it to others despite all; we need to discover in prayer the communion presence with God,
the presence of God that lives in us and heals us, and helps us to overcome all our fears, pessimism,
lack of sense of life and our distrust.

Try to think:
• Is your life is synchronized with the life that Jesus indicate you to follow?
• Do you read your life as a calling to be a gift for others?
• Which bandage or tomb still closed and tied and impede you to be a fragrance of life for life?

03 February 2013

Spirit of the Lord In Us


Today’s Gospel exhort us to verify with our eyes that the Word of the Lord have force to change the
world when we are ready to receive it in our hearts and let it transform in humble and courageous
evangelical life.
Jesus through the words of Prophet Isaiah, announced the message of salvation that God sent to
men and coincide with his Person, Saviour and Redeemer of the world.

<< The Spirit of the Lord is on me, for he anointed me to bring the good news to the afflicted.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives, sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free,
to proclaim a year of favour from the Lord…..>> This text is being fulfilled “today” even
while you are listening >> ( Luke 4: 18-19,21 ).

A today that concerned me, asked me…. Who is Jesus for us: a personality of the past whom we
repeat mechanically his miracles? That “today” seem a bit anachronistic? Yet, indeed: that “today”
is revolted to me! This today of my life I am reach from his love and the Word that I heard is an
echo of a long lost speech in time, but a voice wants to shake out my dullness and remove the quilt
of ashes that oppressed me. Is an invitation of joy.

Why not we try to “empty out ourselves” for how much we believe to know about Him, and
leave him the freedom to let him speak Himself to us? Why not we find amazement of the first
announcement? We will try to set down on his feet, like Maria the sister of Marta in un attentive

Starting a moment of prayer then extending it in the course of the day on its full activity. We will
not forget that He loves to frequent the street, direct his words to one who is busy maybe in fishing
or doing something. He stops for a while on a well and wait for you…. It’s really you…! and maybe
you don’t recognized for how much you are thirsty of the Light, of the truth in Him.

*** Now try to find a time – just for 5 minutes a day and leave Him speaks in silence and feel his

27 January 2013

YOU-The Light of the World

Matthew 5

Nowadays the world needs light. This light the Christians should be first illuminated. Therefore
Jesus said: << You are the light of the world >> (Mt 5:14 ) because he sends us light to illuminate.
<< A light of revelation for the gentiles >> (Lk 2:32 ) a definition that the old Simeon gave Jesus
when he took and raised him in his arms. Today Jesus, light to illuminate the people should be with
us; in our hearts and the way we live.

We will bring light to the world – hungry and thirsty. As Jesus said: << I am the light of the world,
he who follows me will not walk in the dark but will have the light of life >> (Jn 8:12). Indeed, it
is difficult and is contrasted, at times there are some who make a foolish figure to be a Christian.
St. Paul was stoned many times but he << made a considerable number of disciples >> ( Act 14:19
). It is hard to follow Christ the Lord today, but it is also a joy and hope. This opposition between
the empire of the dark and the empire of the light is not an invention, really Satan plays his part and
wants to suffocate the good and block the way of the light. But the dark will not prevail.

The Lord wants us to read our personal story as a gift of grace and a way, a commitment for
responding his call. He wants to liberate us the darkness that unfold ourselves, close in our egoism,
and take us away the joy. He wants us that we become the << children of the light >>. As St. Paul
says: << You were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord; behave as children of light, for
the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and uprightness and truth >> ( Ep 5:8 ).

<< The work of the one who sent me >> (Jn 9:4) are blocked today from confusions and doubts
that lift an uproar of today’s society either intellect or economic level and in the daily life. Usually
we hear these questions: << Why giving birth to a child in a world in this corrupt and sick society?
It is only wasting and useless >>; Why should I be faithful to my wife/husband? The heart cannot
be commanded >>; << Is sick and suffered much: with a fine dosage of injection all will be solve
and will no longer suffer >>. These are only some of the examples of man’s blindness in his rage
of wants to put himself before God and science is also manipulating to oppose against God’s will;
though science is a gift from God and should be use according to his will.

Lord the Father, wants us to revealed the tenderness of his heart in Jesus, so to spread his light
through us and transmit it to our poor brothers shattered with out hope, to our family and to those
we meet everyday. We are called to bear witness to this God who falls in love with man and give
life for man.

Try to think:
• Looking with the truth, which blindness can you still see in yourself?
• Jesus is light. Do you want to leave him to illuminate your way?
• Do you believe that the Light prevailed over darkness?
• Do you have an optimistic outlook of the Risen Christ?

27 January 2013

True Meaning of Freedom

A Benedictine nun narrate that one day, a young unmarried man with a stable job came to the
monastery to have a colloquy with the Mother Superior. A restless soul, searching for a solution of
his problems. When the nun asked, why he didn’t have yet a definite choice in his life, the young
man replied: << Because I want to be free!>>. But in-between his thousand of questions, he seemed
to be a bird close in a cage…..In the meantime, the religious took the Holy Scripture in her hands
and read the passage slowly: << If you make my word your home, you will indeed be my disciples;
you will come to know the truth and the truth will set you free >>. ( Jn 8:31 -32 ). John 8 ERV

These two verses contain the fundamental indication for that difficult but necessary way that
everyone is called to follow to reach the fullness of his/her spiritual maturity. << If you remain in
my word >>: condition indispensable to acquire true freedom. Like a tree, a condition indispensable
to grow it strong and fruitful is to plant the root profoundly to the ground.

True freedom is not sterile and independence of pride, nor a pure spontaneous political activism
but a fruit of an education. Education then is not a know-how of the laws or rules to be respected
outwardly, nor is a rigid structure to get hold of one’s tendency and inclinations but an essential
teaching of life’s communication that molds heart and mind. That is why it needs to remain in the
Word of God. Remaining in the Word – that is Jesus Himself – and act in accordance with Him,
will become and known to be his disciple. << You’re really my disciples >>. We will take note of
the adverb “really”. To be a disciple of Jesus certainly imply one’s availability to carry his/her cross
daily and follow Jesus up to the Calvary where he revealed the fullness of his love for us.

Obtained to us from Christ the price of his blood, yet for us freedom is not a secured ownership,
rather it is a treasure to be guarded with vigilance! << And the truth will set you free >>. Man is not
naturally free; he become free if he accept to be freed. St. Paul teaches us: << Christ set us free,
so that we should remain free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be fastened again to
the yoke of slavery >>. ( Gal 5:1 ) And further he adds: << After all brothers, you were called
to be free >>. (5:13). Galatians 5 ERV

The freedom received in gift become a pledge; a commitment that coincide basically with the
universal calling to sanctity under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is a way to the dynamic
love of God; a love that knows to lower one’s self for rising, knows to lose for winning and a love
offered because He simply wants it.

Let us ask ourselves:
• Who conducted my life?
• Who inspires my choices?
• Am I walking in the Spirit and invoke Him to enlighten and guide my story?

20 January 2013

Silence Produces Strength

Therefore, the Lord God, the holy one of Israel, says: In return and rest you will be saved; quietness and trust will be your strength—but you refused. Isaiah 30:15

Silence does not exist in our lives for its own sake. It is ordered to something else. Silence is the
mother of speech. A lifetime of silence is ordered to an ultimate declaration, which can be put into
words, declaration of all we have lived for.

Life and death, words and silence, are given us because of Christ….In Him we die to illusion and
live the truth. We speak to confess Him, and we are silent in order to meditate on Him and enter
deeper into His silence, which is at once the silence of death and of eternal life – the silence of
Good Friday night and the peace of Easter morning.

We receive Christ’s silence into our hearts when we first speak from our heart the word of faith.
We work out our salvation in silence and in hope. Silence is the strength of our interior life. Silence
enters into the very core of our moral being, so that if we have no silence we have no morality.
Silence enters mysteriously into the composition of all the virtues, and silence preserves them from

If we fill our lives with silence, then we live in hope, and Christ lives in us and gives our virtues
much substance. Then when the time comes, we confess Him openly before men, and our
confession has much meaning because it is rooted in deep silence. It awakens the silence of Christ
in the hearts of those who hear us, so that they themselves fall silent and begin to wonder and to
listen. For they have begun to discover their true selves.

Try to think:
• We, men and women of the third millennium, bang with the rumors of the world: mass
media, internet, social network, tv etc…, do we still have time to listen to the voice of God
inside us?
• During the course of the day, are we still capable to leave a space for ourselves and let
Christ enter into our hearts?

13 January 2013

The Other Kind of Hunger-EMPTINESS

From the Province of Alessandria, Italy, 06 January 2013

The gospel of St. Luke tells us about the Beatitudes. Jesus address directly these beatitudes to his
disciples just chosen. << Blessed are you who are poor, blessed are you who are weeping now,
blessed are you who are hungry …..>>>( Lk 6:20-22).

I’d like to treat to you the third beatitude. << Blessed are you who are hungry….!>> Hungry of
what? In the book of the prophet Amos, we read this expression: << The days are coming – declares
the Lord Yahweh. When I shall send a famine on the country and hunger for food, not thirst for
water, but famine from hearing Yahweh’s word. People will stagger…searching for Yahweh’s word
but will not find >> ( Am 8:11-12 ).

From those words of the prophet, we can see the reflections of our time. Our life, the life of our
brothers in times of famine where it seems that the Word of God is hidden. The negative episode
that we are living, indicate also a famine of God. The wrong choices, often we search in it the joy
which obviously cannot be found because we know that only God can satisfy our thirst and hunger
of happiness and joy. We are all hungry !

Not only but the Lord calls us to a further step: We are called to distribute that food that the Lord
wants to give us. It’s beautiful to note the episode of the multiplication of bread that we read in the
gospel of St. John chapter 6. Jesus looking to the crowd tired and hungry asked his disciples how to
feed such great number. He felt compassionate for those people but among them there was also a
boy who had his food for that day. Jesus asked to Philip: << What shall we do? “ Philip represent
the lack of faith: here it needs two hundred denarii of bread, but we don’t have, so all must go
home!”. But Jesus didn’t think that way. He took the bread and the fish and gave it to the crowd.
The figure of that boy has a significant. Jesus have had need that boy. Jesus asks our collaboration.
He asks us to have concern for the famine of our brothers, he asks us to become aware not only
when a brother lives along the boarder of his material necessity but also the one who has no faith,
the one who doesn’t know to give sense of one’s life and to the one who live without Jesus, because
only Him can give the full meaning of our existence.

In conclusion Jesus said: “ Keep your eyes open look out for the yeast of the Pharisees…..are
your minds closed and heart hardened?…….” ( Mk 8:15-21 ). In this passage of Mark’s gospel,
there are seven imminent questions worthy of only one answer: Thus, it must be understood that
Only One Bread can satisfy our hunger – Jesus Himself our Only Lord !

Am I sensible to the needs of my neighbor? Am I generous?
Am I satisfied with my spiritual hunger?


From the Province of Alessandria, Italy, 25 December 2012

The Christian vocation includes the call to be joyful. If we live properly in Christ Jesus, we will
increasingly share His resurrection joy despite the painful dimension of being human: “ I have told
you this that my own joy may be in you and your joy be complete.” ( Jn 15:11 ).

The Christian who is not fundamentally joyful presents a contradiction. He or she claims to be
follower of the Jesus who has promised abundant life, abundant joy. To remove the contradiction,
such a Christian must look to himself or herself. Such a person does not lack a basic joy because
there is anything wanting in Jesus’ message. The person lacks joy because there is something
wanting in the self. In some way or another, for some reason or another, the person has failed to
assimilate properly the Gospel message. The Gospel is the good news. Jesus invites us to listen to
His Gospel, to respond to it, to live it ever more fully and dynamically. Jesus tells us that if we do,
we will experience a peace and joy that the world does not know. We know that Jesus does not lie,
that Jesus does not deceive, that Jesus does not cruelly excite the expectations of His followers and
then fail to fulfil them.

Again, if a Christian is lacking in joy, he or she has to look at the self and ask why. But one should
not ask this question in isolation. One should ask it in the company of Jesus. Jesus will help the
person find the answer. Jesus will help the person remedy the situation. Western, industrialized
culture has tended to create the illusion that joy can be bought and that, the more money one has,
the greater the prospects of enjoying life. This tragic illusion has time and again prevented people
from living in a manner which alone can give true joy.

Real and lasting joy comes only when we are consistently willing to expend the effort required to
grow in union with Jesus. Since this effort is a grace effort – one can accompanied by God’s grace
– we should pray daily for the grace to use the means God has put before us to grow in union with
Jesus. <<God is with us the “Emmanuel”, he lived among us>> is the major reason why we should
be happy. One of the greatest sources of joy is learning to share in the joy of others.

There are many daily occasions for experiencing joy, but we often pass them by unaware of their
joy – producing possibilities because we have foolishly narrowed our expectations regarding what
is a source of joy, and what is not. St. Paul says to us: “ I want you to be happy, always happy
in the Lord; I repeat, what I want is your happiness…There is no need to worry; but if there
is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving, and peace
of God, which is so much greater than we can understand, will guard your hearts and your
thoughts, in Christ Jesus.”
( Phil 4:4-7 )

25 Dicember 2012


From the Province of Alessandria, Italy, 24 December 2012

“The Word became flesh, he lived among us ”.
( John 1:14 ).

1. << The Word became flesh >>: Here is the surprising novelty, the great revelation, the
decisive reverse story of the world. Infinite become the End, Eternal take position of the
time, the Creator enter man’s evolution, the living God take the form of a mortal. God in
person visited his people: << and lived among us >>, showing to be the true Emmanuel, the
“God with us”. In the Old Testament, God manifested his presence in different mode: in the
clouds during the day and a pillar of fire during the night when his people walked along the
desert, in the arc of the covenant, in the tent of the assembly, in the temple in the Holy of
Holies. But now God come in person to live among men assuming the human nature.

Welcome Lord Jesus, Word of the Father. Most Loved Jesus, I believe that you are the
Beloved Son of the Father, his most splendid image and likeness. For all eternity you live in
the womb of the Father: God from God, Light from Light, eternal Word of the Father, you
are being donated to us. Father, you have sent your Son in this world and you have entrusted
to us. You have sent him because He will tell us about you. One time you talked by means
of the prophets: but now your the same Word has revealed to us. << No one has ever seen
God; it is the only son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.>> (Jn

Lord Most Loved, take position of my spirit and my imagination, draw me into your heart
and all my affections. Grant me to receive you in silence adoration, that I may know to
respond your invitation, to work for you Lord Jesus. I love You with all my being.

Adoration – Admiration – Recognition

2. << The Word came and lived among us>>. God couldn’t disagreed to his creature such
great honor. He came as the fountain of hope, certainty and joy. Oh immensity love of God
for men! The Father send us his Only Son: << For God who loved the world: he gave us his
only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life>>.
( John 3:16)
O Jesus most Loved, with all my force I thank you for such great trial of love you give me.
Just as you choose to live among us, permit me to live with you. Permit me to lost in you that
I will live only with your love. O Word Incarnate, I adore you: I will prostrate in front of your
divine majesty and pay homage with all my being. To you all praise and glory in this life and

Adoration – Oblation

24 Dicember 2012


From the Province of Alessandria, Italy, 23 December 2012

IN HIM WAS LIFE ( John 1:4 )

1. You have created me Lord, I belong to you. I am your slave, your only thing. I abandoned to
you, because you can continue to accomplish your work in me.
I wait for you, o Lord Jesus, like a clay for the pot The white page, the writer. The
virgin cloth, the painter. The block of marble, the sculpture. I wait till you modeled and
compound, chiseled in me your image. Submissive to your influence, malleable between
your hands, intend to become your pot, your book, your frame, your statue, to glorify
only You, o my Master. Like a harp, a flute, a guitar waiting for the musician, so as I am,
attending for you Divine Artist so that you may express on my soul the melody that you
compose for me. I agreed on you, for I can express your thoughts, your sentiments and able
to work for your glory.
In the darkness of the night, with my small lamp and little oil that gather my effort, hoping
that it will last longer, I attend my Spouse. With bended knees and join hands, eyes close
and head decline, I wait my Lord. Will He arrive late? Will He come today? Is He faithful?
Is He still far from me? My heart sighs for him and beat anxiously. Come my Lord: I’m
waiting for you.

2. I need of you, Jesus, author of my life, because Only You can guide my prayer and put me
in contact with your Divine Majesty. Show me the way that leads you. I need you, your
help; I need to be constant in your presence, to listen with attention profound on the center
of my heart. My soul is serene, docile and conscious, must learn to abandon to your will,
to receive your impressions, to be passive between your hands. Grant me to attend with
devotion, humility and love.

3. The entire world needs you and pray with the Scripture: “ Rain down, you heavens, from
above, and let the clouds pour down saving justice “ (Is 45: 8). In union with my brothers,
I repeat this same prayer. The land of my soul, arid and barren for years fritter away, attend
the Just, the Lord of the world that will come like a lively rain from above. Lord, come and
transform this desert that I am, in a green fertile oasis.
The world needs you Jesus and invoke of your coming. I also need you as much as I use
to say. Come and dwell among us. Take position of the whole mankind which already
belongs to you. You have created us and saved us. Offer us to the Father like the elect people
of God. Lord, you have promised: << Here I am, I will come >>. We beseech: << Come, Lord
Jesus >> ( App 22:20 ).

23 Dicember 2012


From the Province of Alessandria, Italy, 22 December 2012

“through him all things came into being, not one thing came into being except
through him” ( John 1:3 )

The old Testament talked about the Wisdom of God and the power of his word: << God of our
ancestors, Lord of mercy, who by your word have made the universe, and in your wisdom have
fitted human beings to rule the creatures that you have made…>> ( Ws 9:1-2 ).
In the New Testament the Word of God revealed us as self expression of the Father, is a Divine
Person, the Son of God, who lives from all eternity in the womb of the Father, participate with him
in the Divinity. The veil had taken away: God in his love, revealed to his creature the secret of his

Blessed to you, my Lord, for the admirable world you have created. Your name will be sung,
honoured and glorified. We praise you, we bless you, we give you thanks for the filial love that you
lavish for us and for all that you will do. Lord three times Holy, your name be forever.
1. adoration, honour, glory and eternal hymn: immensity of the universe express your infinite
power. The million of years talk about your eternity; which the evolutions contrast with
you since you are Immutable. Our tempests, our hurricanes, our earthquakes, remind us that
your peace is perfect. The sun speaks to me your living power and recall to my mind your
splendour. Its morning rays dissipate the darkness of the night, these are the images and the
actions of the Divine Word in the world, to dissipate its sin and ignorance.

2. I thank you Divine Word for what I am, since I can able to know you, love you, serve you,
desire your presence and rejoice to see you one day. Because I am loved by you, because
I am loved by the Father with you, because I am the temple of the Spirit of love. I thank
you my Lord, for having created me in your image and likeness, for giving me a spirit able
to know you and a heart dispose to love you. Lord you are my end as my beginning. You
are the center of my being. Being of my being, Life of my life, I will cling to you: hold me
stretch into your arms so that I will never separate from you again.

3. Divine Word, Beloved Son of the Father, << all things came into being through you>>: the
splendid universe and the millions of human being that you have created.
You are the living Wisdom of the Father, the Thought of his Spirit, his perfect expression,
his glory, his delight, his joy.
Glory to you, Lord, Divine Word, Creator of all that existed.
<< I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is, who was, and who is to
come, the Almighty >>. (Rev. 1:8 ).
Word of God, Son of the Father, I want to sing to you today and every day of my life with
all my strength. Amen.

22 Dicember 2012


From the Province of Alessandria, Italy, 21 December 2012

“ In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God “ (John

1. “ In the beginning was the Word “. The first phrase of St. John, like lightning, open the
curtain that protect the mystery of God. The veil of the temple, that hide the presence of
Yahweh, is divided in two. Admirable and impressive, but still imperfect the revelation of
God in the Old Testament thus the perfection has only reached in the New.
The Gospel revealed to men the mystery of the intimate life of God. God confide his secret
to his children, to his friends, to his favorites; he confide to me.

The book of Genesis show us God in relation with the created. “In the beginning God
created heaven and earth”(Gen 1:1).Later on the Scripture, God manifest as the Holy, the One Who
is, the Immutable, the Faithful, the One Who loves his people.

But now the Gospel tells us God himself: <In the beginning…the Word was with
God>.Impenetrable, eternal and foremost secret on the mystery of God is revealed to a simple
creature. With an act of love that manifest his entire trust to men, God speak and revealed to be the
Father that generate the Son from all eternity. His Word, his Begotten Son lives in him.
( In silence I adore the Word that “was” before the world existed).

Admiration – Possession – Happiness – Serenity

2. “ And the Word Was with God ”. From the start, the gospel of John revealed us the mystery
of Christ and his identity. The Christ is only one with Yahweh- <<I am>>: the Lord our
God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of true believers, the God that create
and save. Christ is the eternal Word, the living Wisdom of God that the Father lives in him
participate in his life and his perfection and finds pleasure to remain in his love.
My God and Father! Can I participate the happiness to be with the Word, nearest
to you and love by you? Can I find my pleasure together with your Son with the
embrace of a Father?

A Joyful Union

3. “ And the Word was God “. This affirmation make us start like a flash of a lightning. The
Christ whom the gospel tells us the actions and transmitted us the message, is the Word, the
Eternal Son of the Father: God like the Father.
Let us prostrate and adore, all of us who heard these words: the Word is God, Jesus Christ
is God.
Divine Word, Beloved Son of the Father, I believe that you are really God.

Worship – Admiration – Happiness – Joy

Full/Lifetime Commitment To Christ

Living our life with Jesus is not meant to be part-time occupation: “ Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, whatever you do at all, do it for the glory of God.” (1 Cor 10:3 ). To follow Jesus is not to lessen our being authentically human. Rather to follow Jesus allows us to be human. In Christ we have a deepened grace capacity to be human. Jesus has died and risen. Whether we work or play, experience success or failure, are admired or ridiculed, taste ecstatic happiness or feel especially afflicted by the sorrowful aspect of human existence, we are dying and rising with Jesus.

Why should the world’s harsh dimension blind the Christian concerning its basic truth, goodness, and beauty? For to travel life’s journey with this friend Jesus is to share His vision, a vision which permits us to see the world’s Christlike image, which nothing – absolutely nothing – can destroy. Jesus loves each of us as precious, unique individuals. Allowing the realization of this simple but awesome truth to guide us is to walk the path which leads to the highest holiness. The committed Christian must consistently ask, “ Is Jesus really the focal point of my existence?” “How many Christians really listen to Jesus message and live it?” is a question I can ask but cannot answer.

“ How do I listen to Jesus’ message and live it?” is a question I should ask and can answer.

Jesus gathers up what are otherwise the all-too- fragmented pieces of my existence-the joy and the pain, the laughter and the tears, the success and the failure and molds these into Christlike unity. We are enigma to ourselves when we seek happiness apart from the way of Jesus, knowing within the depths of our being that following such path, leads to hideous frustration. This or that person may not realize our present suffering. But Jesus knows and He cares. His tender and reassuring touch, we can vividly experience in all sorts of situation, and sometimes when we least expect it. Jesus looked at me, His gaze was so attractive, He has reached out and touch me, and brought me to His heart. This has been by happiness. He has left His indelible imprint upon the human condition by the way He loved – in laughter and in tears, in work and in relaxation, in suffering and in rejoicing.

Jesus knows our weakness far better than we ourselves. Still He expects great things of us. Indeed: our weakness plus His strength can accomplish the marvelous, whether the marvelous be hidden or well-known, whether it appear to others as extremely important or seemingly insignificant. As St. Paul tells us “ My one hope and trust is that I shall never have to admit defeat, but that now as always I shall have the courage for Christ to be glorified in my body, whether or by my death. Life to me, of course, is Christ, but then death would bring me something more….”( Ph 1:20:21 ).

Province of Alessandria

Purpose-Knowing and Doing

O Beloved Word of God,
teach me to be generous
teach me to serve You as You deserve
to donate myself without reserve
to fight without fear of heart for the wounds
to labour without seeking for rest
to work without asking for any other reward
than that of knowing that I do Your will.

Take O Lord, and receive my liberty,
my memory, my intellect, my will.
all that I have and possess
You have given me all these things
and I give all back to You, o Lord:
they are Yours; dispose of them
according to Your will.
Grant me only Your love and Your grace,
for this is enough for me.
Thank You Lord Jesus, Thank You ! ! !


Province of Alessandria

The Way We Fight


Col 3:1  IF THEN you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [Ps. 110:1.]
Col 3:2  And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.
Col 3:3  For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.
Col 3:4  When Christ, Who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in [the splendor of His] glory.
Col 3:5  So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members [those animal impulses and all that is earthly in you that is employed in sin]: sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry (the deifying of self and other created things instead of God).
Col 3:6  It is on account of these [very sins] that the [holy] anger of God is ever coming upon the sons of disobedience (those who are obstinately opposed to the divine will),
Col 3:7  Among whom you also once walked, when you were living in and addicted to [such practices].
Col 3:8  But now put away and rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed abuse and shameful utterances from your lips!
Col 3:9  Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old (unregenerate) self with its evil practices,
Col 3:10  And have clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self], which is [ever in the process of being] renewed and remolded into [fuller and more perfect knowledge upon] knowledge after the image (the likeness) of Him Who created it. [Gen. 1:26.]
Col 3:11  [In this new creation all distinctions vanish.] There is no room for and there can be neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, [nor difference between nations whether alien] barbarians or Scythians [who are the most savage of all], nor slave or free man; but Christ is all and in all [everything and everywhere, to all men, without distinction of person].
Col 3:12  Clothe yourselves therefore, as God’s own chosen ones (His own picked representatives), [who are] purified and holy and well-beloved [by God Himself, by putting on behavior marked by] tenderhearted pity and mercy, kind feeling, a lowly opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, [and] patience [which is tireless and long-suffering, and has the power to endure whatever comes, with good temper].
Col 3:13  Be gentle and forbearing with one another and, if one has a difference (a grievance or complaint) against another, readily pardoning each other; even as the Lord has [freely] forgiven you, so must you also [forgive].
Col 3:14  And above all these [put on] love and enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness [which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony].
Col 3:15  And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].
Col 3:16  Let the word [spoken by] Christ (the Messiah) have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in [all its] richness, as you teach and admonish and train one another in all insight and intelligence and wisdom [in spiritual things, and as you sing] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to God with [His] grace in your hearts.
Col 3:17  And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him.
Col 3:18  Wives, be subject to your husbands [subordinate and adapt yourselves to them], as is right and fitting and your proper duty in the Lord.
Col 3:19  Husbands, love your wives [be affectionate and sympathetic with them] and do not be harsh or bitter or resentful toward them.
Col 3:20  Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord.
Col 3:21  Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children [do not be hard on them or harass them], lest they become discouraged and sullen and morose and feel inferior and frustrated. [Do not break their spirit.]
Col 3:22  Servants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not only when their eyes are on you as pleasers of men, but in simplicity of purpose [with all your heart] because of your reverence for the Lord and as a sincere expression of your devotion to Him.
Col 3:23  Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men,
Col 3:24  Knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [real] reward. [The One Whom] you are actually serving [is] the Lord Christ (the Messiah).
Col 3:25  For he who deals wrongfully will [reap the fruit of his folly and] be punished for his wrongdoing. And [with God] there is no partiality [no matter what a person’s position may be, whether he is the slave or the master].

Weapon of “DOUBT”

And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity]. Psalm 1:3

“Doubt-The state of being unsure of something”

Sometimes discouragement comes to us like a brick wall in front of us and we feel that there is no other way to keep going but stop and quit and the temptation to give up everything is so overwhelming that we are compelled and so convinced that it is time to raise the white flag and say – I cannot go on anymore. I made the wrong choice, I made the wrong step of getting into this journey. Sometimes it feels like giving up is the only right option. The things that I’m doing is not working. My life is not going anywhere. This is not for me. Our faith as a Christian is like that. We took courage and go to a deeper commitment and found what the true belief really is like but along the journey, we encounter hardships and obstacles and then all our momentum is held up and sometimes grounded and the word – “TURN AROUND” is all over where we are going. We encounter road blocks after road blocks and many people on the road are cheering for us to keep going but our heart and mind is yelling a different phrase. It is whispering to our mind to just give up, take the easy route home. Our emotion is saying to us – enough, you’ve done your part, good and faithful servant.

How do you survive when discouragement strikes the deepest of your heart? You still have the courage to go on but it is fading. What to do? Abandon ship? Turn around?

In 2007, I’ve learned the greatest lesson about courage and commitment in the form of a physical activity. I did not realize then that there was a spiritual aspect injected to what I was doing in the activity and even to this day I am truly amazed of what I’ve done and accomplished. In 2006, I took up long distance swimming. The goal was to swim 2.4miles non-stop in under 1hour and 20 minutes. I set my mind into it and started training. My first day at the pool was the most difficult. I was a swimmer already since childhood and I know that I can float but I have not intentionally swim a 25yard distance ever in my life. I gave it a try and to my amazement, I did barely reached the other end of the 25yard pool. I was out of breath and struggling. I paused for a moment and tried again and the results were the same. I cannot swim more than 25 yards. In my mind, the goal was 2.4 miles and the truth was – I can only do 25 yards. I put my mind to the training, I read books, I studied swimming videos, I practiced regularly. By the end of the 3-month period, I was already a swimmer. Then the true test of being a swimmer came. In Austin, there was a scheduled 5K Swim [5 kilometer or 3Mile Swim] in the lake. I was hesitant at first but then I told myself that even though I have not done any swim race at all, I will be ok since I’ve trained for months already doing a 2k comfortably. After 12 months of just barely learning how to swim there I was at the Mansfield Dam with the elite swimmers in Austin. I told myself that this is no biggie and I just have to imagine it like a training session. The swim race of 3Miles is divided into 3 laps. We have to go around the loop 3 times and then exit the water. The first lap was easy, I was pacing myself and conserving energy but when I passed the first loop, things changed, my energy was depleted. My breathing was a little bit difficult and my arms and legs were tired and exhausted and no more strength. The lake that we were swimming were so deep and close to a dam and I started imagining that if I lose consciousness and pass out, I will sink to the very bottom of the lake for the first 24 hours and then my body will float the next day near the dam. The enjoyable swim race that I entered became a nightmare of survival. How am I going to get out of this lake with honor. I know I can just tell the race organizer to let me in to their kayak and say “I cannot go on anymore”. At times It was so tempting to just give up and grab the race barrier and call for help. I stopped swimming for a few minutes and then I looked around and I saw the finish line at a distance – judging from my current location, I can tell I was still halfway of the race. But during that “quick moment of pause”, I allowed myself to think, to look up the final destination and assessed where I was and out of the blue, I received the strength to go on once again and finished the race. To my astonishment, there were still people behind me a few minutes later also struggling to reach the finish line. I finished the 3 Mile swim in 2 hours and went home thinking “I’ve accomplished something”.

It’s been 5 years now since my first race and although they cancelled the 5k swim race, I still intentionally do a 2.4 mile race swim from time to time. Every week, I trained for a short 1k swim regularly non-stop and I always look back on the first day I did my 25 yard swim. It seems so impossible during that moment but not anymore, long distance swimming became a part of my life.

Going back to the subject of discouragement, I’ve discovered that courage is not enough. Yes we can say I can handle this journey, I can handle this task, I can handle this vocation, I can handle this ministry, I can handle this life that I choose. It is so easy to say that yes, I’ve done my part in prayer and soul searching and I’m ready to take on anything in life. I have a ‘go signal’ from the King of Kings. I’ve received the whisper of the Holy Spirit to take the first step. I was told to take this route. I’ve been trained. I’ve prepared for this battle and I know that I am ready. In reality, yes they are true. But the will and the sovereignty of God does not work that way. God’s way – He only shows the beginning and the end. He seldom supplies the details of the journey – the in-between. The journey is for us to execute. The journey of life is for us to figure out.

When I experience discouragement and most of the time it’s always there, I normally just tell myself that I know the reason of my existence and for whatever is the outcome of any obstacle I know that I am anticipating of crossing the finish line no matter what. That mindset in not just courage but also commitment –”a sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose”

I am committed to finish what God had started in my life. Whatever it is, He said, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and besides He promised– IT IS FINISHED!

Stop. Pause. But never give up!

Lastly, Be encourage. If you think no one is cheering for you. Always remember that I am here at all times praying for you. Do the same for me as I need your prayer also. When we launch a great offensive to the enemy territory, we are always in constant battle of discouragement. The greatest weapon the enemy uses is DOUBT.

I Need of You

I need of You, Lord Jesus
like an arid land needs rain to make it fertile,
like a lamp needs oil to illuminate,
like a machine needs the force of an engine,
like a traveller in the desert needs water to conserve in life.
Without you, I have no force, no resistance, no life.
Without you, I am a tasteless salt, a lamp without oil,
a twig detach from the tree.
Without you, I am weak, devoid of senses, useless.
For me, you are the manna of the desert,
the pillar of fire that guide the people in the desert,
the rock on which the Israelites quench their thirst,
the arc of the covenant that made the wall of Jericho collapsed,
the fountain of the living water desired by the Samaritan.
Come to my assistance,
O Jesus my Lord.
You are the life and I am only the work of your hands,
I am your lamb and you are the Shepherd,
I am the plant and you are the Gardener,
I am the patient and you are the Doctor,
I am a pilgrim and you are the way.
You are the pot and I am the clay,
You are the vine and I am the branch,
You are the light and I walk in your splendor,
You are the rock on which I should build my house.
You are the Teacher and I am the disciple,
You are the King whom I swear to serve,
You are the Judge whom I should render my account.
Give me your strength, give me your courage.
You are the Only One whom my soul
breath above all things.
Help me Lord Jesus, help me ! ! !


Province of Alessandria

Courage Plus Commitment

We all have a tendency to shrink from that which poses a difficulty or which frightens us.
Numerous Christians never develop their life in Christ to its destined potential precisely because
they do not bring themselves to confront the arduous when God’s will leads in this direction.
Christian courage or fortitude is that virtue which disposes us to face maturely the difficult in
Christ’s service that certainly depend from our own inner experience.

We should not think that courage is usually exercised concerning matters of great moment. As with
the exercise of all the Christian virtues, courage customarily finds its expression with in the prosaic
framework of everyday life. To confront properly the rather uneventful duties of our vocation day in
day out demands fortitude. Many times we let the current of discouragement flow down in our veins
and we easily got discouraged when things not go according to our will. Instead of going forward,
we make two steps backward. We should remember that “gold is tested by fire”. All states of life
are confronted with this challenge. To evade the challenge is to thwart our growth in Christ.

At times Christian courage must be exercised concerning matters of great moment. An example is
the decision involving one’s state of life. This type of decision can demand the greatest fortitude in
certain instances. Some Catholic parents oppose the religious or priestly vocations of their children.
Those who experienced the opposition know the great suffering involved and the courage which is
necessary to follow God’s will faithfully.

There are numerous occasions which demand more than ordinary courage. It can be a question of
choosing a particular work. It may be a question of severe temptation, of dryness in prayer or a
seeming inability to pray at all, of an apparent darkening of faith. Whatever form the difficulty may
assume, the dedicated Christian realizes the need of fortitude. He knows that growth in the Christ-
life is not always a smooth development.

No matter how great the difficulty which may face us, we have to believe in this capacity of
strength which God has instilled in us and act accordingly. St. Paul gives us an example of how
the Christian is to confront arduous:

“ We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure,
to make it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us. We
are in difficulties on all sides, but never cornered; we see no answer to our problems, but
never despair; we have been persecuted, but never deserted; knocked down, but never killed;
always wherever we may be, we carry with us in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life
Jesus too, may always be seen in our body.” ( 2 Cor:7-10).


Province of Alessandria

A Little Longer











Twenty four  hours ago, I was informed with a very bad news about my mother’s condition but this morning when I talked to her, she told me that she will be alright and in fact already sitting down eating breakfast and she can walk around a little bit.  The compression fracture at her spine that was discovered after her MRI were the old ones and not so related to her current accident.  I’m not in the medical field and I’m not going to declare my mom’s condition as safe because I know that at 80 years of age, her body is so fragile.   Last November 5, 2012, she was a passenger of the car that my brother in law was driving in Merida went out of control. The speed was not so fast but being at her current age, any impact she experienced can be a life changing event.   When I heard the news on November 6th, I was a little bit worried but during my prayer as I closed my eyes, the Holy Spirit reminded of the significance of the date – November 5th, the day God showed me a miracle during the Ormoc flood in 1991.  I was a little assured that nothing serious will happen to her but as the day passes after her release from the first hospital admission, she was recalled for severe pain in her back that never responded to pain medication.  She was admitted back to the hospital and an MRI was done.  After a careful examination of the MRI results, the doctor just ordered a rehab for her condition.

Today, I went out for a 40Mile bike ride and at Mile30, this song was playing – “A Little Longer”.  The song really spoke to my heart.  To our Lord… I cannot thank you enough!

When you get a chance, listen to it.

So che ho ancora bisogno di scrivere un messaggio "non uno di linea", non hanno la possibilità o il coraggio o l’ispirazione ancora. Sono ancora impegnato a leggere e prendere appunti sul libro-Il viaggio, è quasi finito. Sto ancora aspettando per il tuo prossimo messaggio ispiratore.

A Little Longer

What can I do for You?
What can I bring to You?
What kind of song would you like me to sing?

‘Cause I’ll dance a dance for You
Pour out my love to You
What can I do for You beautiful king?

‘Cause I… can’t thank You enough.
I can’t thank You enough
What can I do for You?
What can I bring to You?
What kind of song would you like me to sing?

‘Cause I’ll dance a dance for You
Pour out my love to You
What can I do for You beautiful king?

‘Cause I… can’t thank You enough.
I can’t thank You enough
All of the words that I find… and I can’t thank You enough.
No matter I try… I can’t thank You enough.
Then I hear You sing to me

"you… don’t have to do a thing
Just simply be with me and let those things go
‘Cause they can wait another minute

Wait… this moment is too sweet
Would you please stay here with Me
And love on Me a little longer"

I hear You say…
"You… don’t have to do a thing
Just simply be with me and let those things go
‘Cause they can wait another minute

Wait… this moment is too sweet
Would you please stay here with Me
And love on Me a little longer
I’d love to be with you a little longer
‘Cause I’m in love with you













Chord Chart

In our hearts, Lord, in this nation
Holy Spirit we desire
For You and You alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me
In Your presence, in Your power
For this moment, for this hour
For You and You alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me
For You and You alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me
Like the rising sun that shines
From the darkness comes a light
I hear Your voice say
This is my awakening
Like the rising sun that shines
From the darkness comes a light
I hear Your voice say
This is my awakening
Like the rising sun that shines
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
From the darkness comes a light
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
Like the rising sun that shines
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
Only You can raise a life
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing


Greetings !

I just wanted to communicate with you something even though I’m already hesitant to do so. I’m
not a teacher nor a preacher but an inspiration comes to my mind and I got the courage to share it
with you.

We have every reason to trust greatly in God. Christ reminds us of this: “Look at the birds in
the sky. They do not sow or reap or gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not worth much more than they are? “ ( Mt. 6:26 ). Here is another truth which should
bolster our trust in God. The Father loved man overwhelmingly even when he saw he was His
enemy in sin. He showed this love by giving His Son to live and die for the human race. How much
more, then, we should trust in God’s love, now that Christ has re-united us with the Father.

This does not say that we always find it easy to trust as we should. In time of special difficulty or
crisis, as our heads are bowed in anguish, we can especially experience the difficulty of properly
hoping in God. Yet it is precisely at these times when trust is all the more necessary to us. Despite
the pain, then, we must trust, even though at times it seems we are hoping against hope. We must
learn to trust as did as Abraham: though it seemed Abraham’s hope could not be fulfilled, he hoped
and he believed, and through doing so he did become the father of many nations exactly as he had
been promised.

God can act similarly with us as he did with Abraham. He can do just things with us if only we
allow Him to do so. Among other attitudes, we must have that of hope or trust. We must trust that
God can bring us to maturity in Christ. We must trust that the Father will give us all the graces
necessary to accomplish our mission in life, difficult as this mission may seem at times. We must
trust in this manner despite the great sense of our own weaknesses which can become especially
manifest at times. As a matter of fact, the more experience our weaknesses, the more optimistic we
should become.

This was the attitude of the saints. I think we often view the saints in the wrong light. We imagine
that they must have felt very secure in the strength of their spiritual development. It seems rather
that they were more aware of their weakness and helplessness than we are. Because of such an
awareness, they more and more went out of their weaknesses into the strength of Christ. They
became secure because they gave themselves completely to Christ, and to His reign of strength with
in Him.

In our own measure we can imitate the saints. We, too, can learn to build upon our own weakness.
The realization of our weakness should actually increase our hope. The more we admit our
helplessness, the more God tends to strengthen us with His grace. As long as we do not capitulate to
our weakness, let us glory in our helplessness so that Christ may posses us His desires.

In conclusion, St. Paul tells us: “ So I shall be very happy to make my weaknesses my special
boast so that the power of Christ may stay over me, and that is why I am quite content with
my weaknesses, and with insults, hardships, persecutions, and the agonies. I go through for
Christ’s sake. For it is when I am weak that I am strong.” ( 2 Col 12: 9-10 ).

Thanks for the attention.

28th of October 2012
Province of Alessandria