Why some people can’t decode the message?

Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.

Please read the 14th Chapter of John https://www.bible.com/bible/59/jhn.14.esv to see the whole story.

In verse 22, Jesus was asked by one of His disciples:
“Lord, how is it that You will reveal Yourself [make Yourself real] to us and not to the world?”

When I was 12 or 13 years old, I remember reading my Bible moments before going to school. I was attending a private school in Ormoc where I was new to the city and new to the school. I did not have a lot friends at first and reading the Bible before going to school was just a habit that helped me focus for the day and I will try to remember what I’ve read throughout the day and of course I will forget. No one ever told me to do it and I was just going through the motion of opening the pages, read a few words then off to school. At that time, I have no clue of what I was reading. It seems like I was reading a book from the library…just a book with no hidden and special message for me.

Now, reading the Bible is different. It seems so real.

When I read a passage in the Bible, the message will just jump off the screen in my computer and start speaking to my heart and I don’t even struggle trying to understand what the message for me for that day.

If Christianity, The Bible, The Holy Spirit were made up by some ancient authors then the story of Jesus might have won an award for creativity.

Imagine for a moment the following:
1. God, the Father in the Old Testament.
2. God sent His Son Jesus in the New Testament.
3. But before He did that, He told some Prophets to write about His coming
4. Then Jesus was born
5. Jesus live with His disciples and trained them
6. Jesus predicted His Death and Resurrection
7. Jesus told His disciples about the Holy Spirit [here in Chapter 14]
8. Jesus died and resurrected but left us His Word, The Bible
9. Holy Spirit took over Jesus’ place
10. Holy Spirit dwells in us on a daily basis.

God-Jesus-Training-Bible-Holy Spirit. What a great story!

The story is very interesting and if only people can understand the big picture about the Kingdom, the full story of the Gospel and how the Holy Spirit is communicating with us moment by moment.

But why can’t we decode the message of the Bible?
Why sometimes He is not real?
Why sometimes we don’t fully understand our hardship?
Why sometimes I am lost and don’t know what to do?

The answer to all these questions are mentioned in verse 23.
Read it again, it’s there.